Join us for the book launch of Scattered Shards: Ed Askew Poems and Drawings, the first-ever published book of drawings and poetry by acclaimed psychedelic folk artist Ed Askew, with readings by Ed Askew and Mel Elberg and a very special performance by Yva Las Vegass. The book, edited and assembled by Nicole Wallace and Askew himself is a collection of poems written over the past decade and drawings executed in the Fall of 2017. The poems are an imaginative narration of life in cities, love had and love lost, children and families on the brink, as well as single, immediate points in time—with a language of meditative lucidity and the plain-spoken delivery of small-town talk.
Fans of Askew’s musical output will take note, typically his “lyrics fit into the format laid down by a sequence of chords” while the “poems have been more descriptive and evocative of a place and time”. The collection is a watermark for Askew, who’s discography is extensive but who’s writing and drawings have not been published to date.
Scattered Shards: Ed Askew Poems and Drawings is out in June 2018 via Flying Moonlight.