Hoa Nguyen was born in the Mekong Delta, raised in the DC area, and studied poetics in San Francisco. She is the author of eight books and chapbooks including Chinaberry (Fact Simile, 2010) and Hecate Lochia (Hot Whiskey, 2009). A new transplant to Toronto, ON, Nguyen curates a reading series, teaches creative writing, and reads tarot for poets. Wave Books will be publishing her third full-length collection in Fall 2012.
Jesse Seldess is the author of two books, Who Opens (Kenning Editions, 2006) and Left Having (Kenning Editions, 2011), as well as chapbooks on Hand Held Editions, Instance Press, Answer Tag Press, and the Chicago Poetry Project Press. His work has recently appeared in the journals The Recluse, EOAGH, Jacket, Little Red Leaves, and out of nothing. Since 2001, he has edited and published Antennae (www.antennae-journal.com), a journal of experimental writing and language-based performance and music scores.
This event was funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc. through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.