Julian Talamantez Brolaski is the author of gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011) and several chapbooks. Advice for Lovers is forthcoming from City Lights in spring 2012. Brolaski lives in Brooklyn where xe is an editor at Litmus Press and plays country music with Juan & the Pines (www.reverbnation.com/juanandthepines). New work is on the blog hermofwarsaw.
Elizabeth Willis is the author of five books of poetry. Her most recent work, Address (Wesleyan, 2011), looks at where we speak from as subjects and how we locate ourselves as political objects. Meteoric Flowers (Wesleyan, 2006) is a turbulent hybrid work inspired in part by the wildness of Erasmus Darwin’s Botanic Garden. Other books of poetry include Turneresque (Burning Deck, 2003), The Human Abstract (Penguin, 1995), Second Law (Avenue B, 1993), and the Belladonna chapbook All the Paintings of Giorgione (2006). Recently she edited a volume of essays entitled Radical Vernacular: Lorine Niedecker and the Poetics of Place (Iowa, 2008). She lived for many years in west-central Wisconsin, in Buffalo, and in northern California. She now teaches at Wesleyan University.