Come Home
Cornered what place
with its façade and door
next to the nearby
place for the walker
his come home
a murmur, it’s quiet
bristling hair
in the corner
next to the stick
in the corner
brick exterior
with a condensed
simple homelike
murmur, like glass
with its murmur
come home to that place
when I walk home
simple homelike
like a ghost
in the corner
with his stick
in the come home
cornering me
hair on end
pale façade
on the interior is rose
condensed to an aroma.
The Monastery
We went belly up
then rolled along the grass
where the grass is up
like flags in arms
concerned with height
I am concerned
for his monastery
in the belly
of the monastery
he paces
back to the chapel
in the grass
with its women
to the ground
on the floor
with its path
made from paces
it has no height
but a woman
in the trenches
has girth
and weight
in her belly
with the walls
gone belly up.