Poems and Texts

“For black boys [at night] on the internet” by Legacy Russell

For black boys [at night] on the internet

Online you *shine*

And when you turn your back the shots shooting like stars don’t scar, O they may dent but they don’t delete

Sure, for the sake of a hate-ful hagiography you’re still hooded here but you can also
have it, that
Power to make plain your face in fistfuls without stain

Skittles and Arizona and, if you wanted, all in Arizona, the arid deserts that otherwise would be blocked from your belonging, being blue that you are :

You are gold and never bruised
By gold you are godly; you can congregate and bebop along avenues of boyhood in bytes

Here you are priceless, not pinched
You are consumed prophet but never profit
[It is confusing]

In constellation your midnight face can be alive like Sketches of Spain, all the poetry the world needs to

That poetry that finds you in flora or on tour but you never grieve

Those measurements, achievements immeasurable yet somehow ecstatic

A ritual quilt of hashtags and bombastic black-fist emojis, a princely pride queering

This imperfect Internet / this deceitful conceit on auto-play gives pause

Like AFK world beyond this all was not made for you but
It is the technology of your negritude that gives attitude

Taking your place in cyberspace
An architecture meeting architect
Surveilling under the cymbals of surveillance

You at the intersections of our beloved-nowhere without cartography, a passage

This Nowhere not ends of worlds
But steel-tipped, burning beginning, and new—

This poem originally appeared in berfrois.

Legacy Russell

Legacy Russell is a writer, artist, and cultural producer. Born and raised in New York City’s East Village, her work can be found in a variety of publications worldwide: BOMB, The White Review, Rhizome, DIS, The Society Pages, Guernica, Berfrois and beyond. Holding an MRes of Visual Culture with Distinction from Goldsmiths College at University of London, her academic and creative work focuses on gender, performance, digital selfdom, idolatry, and new media ritual. Her first book Glitch Feminism is forthcoming from Verso. Twitter: @legacyrussell | Instagram @ellerustle. www.legacyrussell.com.

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