Poems and Texts
Poems and Texts
“[Inter alia /// digest ///] Intro: Eat Here, Get Gas” by Judah Rubin
Poems and Texts
from Smile & Nod by Rami Karim
Poems and Texts
“American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin” by Terrance Hayes
Poems and Texts
“Lida meet lorry” by Asiya Wadud
Poems and Texts
“boots on the ground” by Steven Alvarez
Poems and Texts
“To Lorine Niedecker” by Ricardo Hernandez
Poems and Texts
“wet folds” by Kameelah Janan Rasheed
Poems and Texts
“Operation Moonless” by Camonghne Felix
Poems and Texts
“SILENCE OF THE YAMS” by Lewis Warsh
Poems and Texts