Anselm Berrigan’s newest book Notes from Irrelevance, just out from Wave Books, is made of one long poem that puts irrelevance to use by making it a tag for deep depth, getting lost, and willful desire for image dissolution. It’s funny. Last decade he ran The Poetry Project for four years, and right now has a very interesting summer job at Bard College as half a chair. Current writing is mostly hand written poems done as one-shots around the edges of large sketchbook pages. They are fun to write and happily future-free. A recent interview done by basketball writer Bethlehem Shoals can be found here:
David Trinidad’s most recent book, Dear Prudence: New and Selected Poems, has just been published by Turtle Point Press. His other books include The Late Show (2007), By Myself (with D.A. Powell, 2009), and Plasticville (2000), all published by Turtle Point. He is also the editor of A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos (Nightboat Books, 2011). Trinidad teaches poetry at Columbia College Chicago, where he co-edits the journal Court Green.