Emily Abendroth is a writer and artist currently residing in Philadelphia, where she co-curates the Moles Not Molar Reading & Performance Series. Recent print publications include Exclosures #1-8 (Albion Books), Toward Eadward Forward (Horse Less Press), “Property : None / Property : Undone” – a broadside and multi-media collaboration (TapRoot Editions), and an extended excerpt from “Muzzle Blast Dander” in Refuge/Refugee (ChainLinks). A new chapbook, NOTWITHSTANDING shoring, FLUMMOX, is forthcoming from Little Red Leaves.
Stefania Heim is the author of A Table That Goes on for Miles, winner of the 2012 Gatewood Prize from Switchback Books. Her poems have appeared in EOAGH, Harp & Altar, The Paris Review, A Public Space, The Literary Review, and La Petite Zine, where they were nominated for a Pushcart Prize in Poetry. Her translations have been published or will appear in Aufgabe and Harper’s Magazine, and her scholarship and criticism in The Boston Review, Jacket2, and Publisher’s Weekly. She is the author of a chapbook, 3 Poems (handheld editions, 2008), founding editor of CIRCUMFERENCE: Poetry in Translation, and editor with Susan Howe of Howe’s Selected Essays (New Directions Press, forthcoming). She teaches at Columbia University and Hunter College.