Letters to Poets (edited by Jennifer Firestone & Dana Teen Lomax), a collaborative experiment conducted over approximately one year’s time, brought together 28 poets from various backgrounds, aesthetics and geographical locations and asked them to write letters to each other. The letters are uncensored: the only condition was that the writing spoke to the poets’ most urgent concerns. Please join Eileen Myles, Cecilia Vicuña, Karen Weiser, John Yau, Brenda Coultas, Anselm Berrigan, Brenda Iijima, Jill Magi, Jennifer Firestone, John Yau, Quincy Troupe, Rosamond King, Dana Teen Lomax and Traci Gourdine to read excerpts from the anthology, which was recently published by Saturnalia Books and which Cornel West calls “a courageous and visionary book.”