Poet Transmit engages in the connections between poetry, transmission, and performance. The project was launched by artist/curator Victoria Keddie as a way to explore textual practice and modes of transmission. Writer/artist Cat Tyc acts as co-curator, exploring the potential of poetic projection and how it exists in expanded fields of time. This project is inspired by John Cage’s statement that “Poetry is not prose simply because poetry is in one way or another formalized. It is not poetry by reason of its content or ambiguity, but by reason of its allowing musical elements (time, sound) to be introduced into the world of words” (Silence, June 1961). Poet Transmit focuses on artists who use alternative methods of recitation or engage in the elements of music in their process.
Please join us for live performances by Nina Sobell with Laura Ortman (WMAT), Stephanie Barber, Jen Liu, Giovanna Olmos, Mahogany L. Browne, Cathy de la Cruz and James Allister Sprang. The event will be broadcasted live, both within Parish Hall and online via livestream. The event will later be broadcasted on Manhattan Neighborhood Network with E.S.P. TV, as well as Wave Farm Radio (wavefarm.org). The first iteration of Poet Transmit’s ongoing series was with E.S.P. TV (www.esptv.com) at Recess Art Gallery in September 2015.