Susan Landers is the author of 15: A Poetic Engagement with the Chicago Manual of Style (Least Weasel), Covers (O Books) and 248 mgs., a panic picnic (O Books). She was the founder and co-editor of Pom2, a journal of poetic polylogue. Recent poems have appeared in Try Magazine and on the blog Elective Affinities. She lives in Brooklyn.
Rodrigo Toscano’s newest book of poetry is Deck of Deeds (Counterpath Press 2012). Collapsible Poetics Theater, his previous book, was a 2007 National Poetry Series Selection. His poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies, including Against Expression, Diasporic Avant Gardes, and Poetic Voices Without Borders. Toscano’s Spanish language poetry can be found in the anthology, Malditos Latinos, Malditos Sudacas. His English poetry has been translated into French, Dutch, Italian, German, Portuguese, and Catalan. Toscano works with the Labor Institute in conjunction with the United Steelworkers and Communications Workers of America. His current project is to coordinate a nation-wide National Institute of Environmental Health Science education / integration program around Health, Safety, and the Environment.” Toscano works out of a laptop, tethered to a Droid, residing in airports, occupying poetics in midflight, and somehow also manages to live happily and snuggly in the Greenpoint Township of Brooklyn.