Photo Archive

Photographs from 35th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Benefit Reading

Welcome to the Poetry Project’s new website. We have been stealthily working on it since Fall. We’re still pinching ourselves but it has happened, we are fully embracing the Internet and have a lot of innovations to implement in the near future. It is our intent to develop a robust online presence so that our supporters everywhere can more easily and fully benefit from Project programs. Please take a moment to explore new features like the photo archive and the Project Store (which we’ll be expanding). It’s a work-in-progress.

In an effort to make our website a more exciting and interesting place to visit, the Project staff and various guest bloggers will be making regular posts about life  in, on, or about the premises. For our first post we would like to share photographs of The 35th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading taken by Greg Fuchs. Thank you Greg for permission to share your beautiful images. You can see more of Greg’s work here Enjoy the gallery!