Francesca DeMusz is a working artist who has recently relocated from New York City to Portland, Oregon. Her work can be found in All Stars, on the Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog, Lit Hub, The Poetry Project Newsletter and in various chapbooks and zines.
Julian Talamantez Brolaski is the author of Of Mongrelitude (forthcoming, Wave Books April 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012), gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011), and co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press / Belladonna Books 2009). Julian is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the country band The Western Skyline ( Currently in Queens, NY, Julian also sometimes lives in California.
Quito Ziegler is an artist and curator with a radical imagination and an endless supply of sharpies. They drive around in a van called the Pony and like to play with gender, glitter, and their old Nikon camera. Quito is a founding member of the WRRQ collective, whose projects include the collectively-made movie Wild Ponies Dancing and Arts in the Woods, an annual intergenerational retreat for queer artists who are surviving or have survived transience. Other collaborative art projects include Queer Planet, the Forest of the Future, and many moonlight beach parties. A long-term student of social movements, Quito has worked on and off for 15 years at the Open Society Foundations’Documentary Photography Project. A trained community organizer, they have political roots in the Burmese democracy movement, the Minnesota Dream Act student movement, Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, and the movement for trans liberation. They currently serve on the board of the Third Wave Fund.
S*an D. Henry-Smith is an artist and writer, primarily working with poetry and photography. They received their BA in Studio Art from Hamilton College, and have been awarded fellowships and grants from Triple Canopy, Lotos Foundation, and Antenna. Their words and images have appeared in Apogee Journal, FACT, The Felt, The New York Times, and elsewhere. S*an cooks and writes collaboratively with Imani Elizabeth Jackson on MouthFeel; their poetry-cookbook Consider the Tongue is forthcoming this fall.
Jacqueline Waters is the author of Commodore and One Sleeps the Other Doesn’t, both from Ugly Duckling Presse. Her work has appeared recently in Chicago Review, Dreamboat, Fanzine, Harper’s, Little Star and The American Reader.
Rizvana Bradleyis Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies and African-American Studies at Yale University. She holds a BA from Williams College and a PhD from Duke University. She was a Helena Rubinstein Critical Studies Fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Her forthcoming book manuscript received a Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant. She was the guest editor of a special issue of the journal Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, and has published articles in TDR: The Drama Review, Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, and Black Camera: An International Film Journal, and was also recently appointed Assistant Editor at the journal, boundary 2.
Rin Johnson is a Brooklyn based sculptor and poet. Moving between Virtual Reality, sculpture and the printed word, Johnson has exhibited and read in Europe and the US. Johnson is the author of two books, Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People from Inpatient Press and the forthcoming VR Book, Meet in the Corner from Publishing House. Johnson founded Imperial Matters (a space for liquid poetry) with Sophia Le Fraga. Johnson is an MFA candidate in Sculpture at Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts.
Cat Tyc is a Brooklyn based writer/videomaker whose work exists on the precipice of poetic mediology. She has an MFA in Writing from Pratt Institute. Her video/installation work has screened locally and internationally at spaces that include Recess, Microscope Gallery, Anthology Film Archives, CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn Museum, Kassel Fest and the PDX International Festival. She co-directs the Poet Transmit, a project that engages in the connections between poetry, transmission, and performance with focus on multiple modalities. Her most recent writings have been published in Weekday, The Sink Review, 6×6 and Fashion Studies Journal and she is the author of the chapbook An Architectural Seance (Dancing Girl Press, 2017).
Lucy Ives is the author of five books of poetry and prose, including The Hermit (The Song Cave, 2016), a collection of aphorisms, lists, dreams, and games. In summer 2017, Penguin Press will publish her first full-length novel, Impossible Views of the World, about the travails of a young curator.
Che Chen plays guitar in the band 75 Dollar Bill and makes sound with various instruments/things in other spontaneous and ongoing configurations. He is based in Brooklyn and Stonybrook, NY, where he works for the family cancer diagnostics business. He used to be in another band called True Primes and made two issues of the zine, O Sirhan, O Sirhan. He currently runs the label, Black Pollen Press, which has published works by Eliane Radigue, Pauline Oliveros and Yoshi Wada. The label will release composer Catherine Lamb’s shade/gradient on LP in early 2017.
Mary Walling Blackburn works in New York City. In 2016, the work handles and is handled by optics (the lazy eye), contaminated logics (diagrams), and politics (the Miscreant Class). All is amputated/shaped by the Capitalocene. Walling Blackburn’s work and writing have been featured in publications including Afterall, BOMB, Cabinet, e-flux journal, Pastelegram, and Grafter’s Quarterly. In lieu of a picture, has provided a diagram composed of the descriptors produced by anti-choice activists in personal messages sent to Walling Blackburn’s personal social media account
Isabel Sobral Campos’s poetry has appeared in Bone Bouquet, Gauss PDF, Horseless Press, and the Yalobusha Review, among others. In collaboration with Small Anchor Press, No, Dear recently published her debut chapbook—Material—a recording from which was featured at PEN America. She is the co-founder of the Sputnik & Fizzle publishing series and Assistant Professor of Literature at Montana Tech of the University of Montana.
This is an older, archived version of The Poetry Project site. Information may have changed.