Florencia Castellano
Florencia Castellano, living in Buenos Aires, is the author of Monitored Properties, the second book in Señal’s 2016 series. She has published books of poetry, edited anthologies, and organized poetry festivals in Argentina.
Florencia Castellano, living in Buenos Aires, is the author of Monitored Properties, the second book in Señal’s 2016 series. She has published books of poetry, edited anthologies, and organized poetry festivals in Argentina.
Pablo Katchadjian is the Buenos Aires-based author of the rou of alch, from the second year of Señal. Along with Monitored Properties, these books were part of the Buenos Aires micro-publishing project, Imprenta Argentina de Poesía, which published new voices from Argentina in limited runs, mostly distributed locally. He is also the author of three novels, three books of poetry, as well as books of a less clear genre.
Stalina Emmanuelle Villarreal translated Sor Juana de la Cruz’s paradoxical Enigmas, in dialogue with Fabre’s book, for the first year of the Señal series. She is a Mexican and Chicana poet, a translator, and an instructor of English at Houston Community College.
Luis Felipe Fabre is a poet and critic based in Mexico City. His book, Sor Juana and Other Monsters, was published in the first year of the Señal series, his first US publication. He has published widely in Mexico as well as participated as a curator in festivals and contemporary art exhibitions.
Vincent Katz is a poet, translator, and critic. He is the author of Southness (Lunar Chandelier Press, 2016) and Swimming Home (Nightboat Books, 2015), as well as The Complete Elegies of Sextus Propertius (Princeton University Press, 2004). He is the editor of Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art (MIT Press, 2002; reprinted 2013). He lives in New York City, where he curates “Readings in Contemporary Poetry” at Dia:Chelsea. Raphael Rubinstein has characterized Katz as “A 21st-century flâneur whose wanderings range from the sidewalks and subways of New York City to the crowded beaches of Rio de Janeiro.”
Adam Fitzgerald is a poet, editor, essayist and educator. In 2013, his first book of poems The Late Parade was hailed by the New York Times Sunday Book Review as “a new and welcome sound in the aviary of contemporary poetry.” He serves as contributing editor for Literary Hub and curates monthly poetry features. Recent poems can be found in Poetry, The New Yorker, BOMB, Granta, and elsewhere. In 2014, with poets Dorothea Lasky and Timothy Donnelly he co-founded The Home School. He teaches at Rutgers University and New York University and this spring at Poets House. His newest book of poems, George Washington, was just published by W. W. Norton’s historic Liveright imprint in September.
Todd Colby has published six books of poetry. His latest book, Splash State, was published by The Song Cave in 2014. Todd’s most recent poetry and art have appeared in Poetry, Columbia: a journal of literature and art, Denver Quarterly, and Brooklyn Rail. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Ali Power is the author of the book-length poem A Poem for Record Keepers (Argos Books, 2016) and the co-editor of the volume New York School Painters & Poets: Neon in Daylight (Rizzoli, 2014). From 2008 to 2015, she was an editor at Rizzoli Publications in New York. Currently, she is pursuing a master’s degree in social work at New York University and co-curates the KGB Monday Night Poetry Reading Series.
Jameson Fitzpatrick is the author of Pricks in the Tapestry, forthcoming from Birds, LLC, and two previous chapbooks: Mr. & (Indolent Books, 2018) and Morrisroe: Erasures (89plus/LUMA Publications, 2014). His poems and criticism have appeared in Art in America, The Believer, The New Yorker, Poetry, and elsewhere. He teaches expository writing at New York University.
Sara Deniz Akant is a Brooklyn-based educator, poet and performer. She is the author of Babette, selected by Maggie Nelson for the Rescue Press Black Box Poetry Prize, as well as Parades (Omnidawn, 2014), and Latronic Strag (Persistent Editions, 2015). She studies writing at the CUNY Grad Center and teaches at Medgar Evers College. Her work has appeared most recently in The Brooklyn Rail, The Bennington Review, jubilat, and Lana Turner.
Thought of as the pre-spirit of The Poetry Project, Paul Blackburn gave the first reading here on September 22, 1966. His poetry, translations, and organization and recording of early downtown readings, exerted a steady and widespread influence across a wide range of aesthetic practices. In his lifetime Blackburn published thirteen books of original poetry as well as five major works of translation. Twelve other books were published posthumously. The Collected Poems of Paul Blackburn (1985) and The Selected Poems of Paul Blackburn (1989) are both available from Persea Books, and a reprint of Proensa: An Anthology of Troubadour Poetry (New York Review Books, 2016).
Yoshimasu Gozo, born in Tokyo, has given performances worldwide, and has received many literary and cultural awards, including the Takami Jun Prize, the Rekitei Prize, the Purple Ribbon, and the 50th Mainichi Art Award for Poetry. This reading coincides with Gozo’s Alice Iris Red Horse: Selected Poems of Yoshimasu Gozo from New Directions and will feature Gozo in performance with special guests.