
Photo: Ning Li

Eugene Lim

Eugene Lim is the author of the novels Fog & Car (Ellipsis Press, 2008), The Strangers (Black Square Editions, 2013) and Dear Cyborgs (FSG, 2017). He works as a high school librarian, runs Ellipsis Press, and lives in Queens, NY.

Youmna Chlala

Youmna Chlala is an artist and a writer born in Beirut and currently based in New York. Her work investigates the relationship between fate and architecture through drawing, video and performance, prose, and poetry. Her book of poetry, The Paper Camera, is forthcoming from Litmus Press. She is the founding editor of Eleven Eleven {1111} Journal of Literature and Art and the recipient of a Joseph Henry Jackson Award. Her writing appears in publications such as Guernica, BOMB, Prairie Schnooner, Bespoke, CURA, and MIT Journal for Middle Eastern Studies, among others. She has exhibited widely including in the Performa Biennal 2011, LIAF Biennal 2017, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, The Drawing Center, Dubai Art Projects, Rotterdam International Film Festival and Art In General. She is the co-founder of the Mutating Cities Institute and Associate Professor in the Humanities & Media Studies and Writing Department at the Pratt Institute.

Photo: Ted Roeder

Sara Jane Stoner

Sara Jane Stoner is the author of Experience in the Medium of Destruction (Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs, 2015), nominated for a Lambda Award in poetry, and the chapbook Grief Hour (Black Warrior Review, 43.2, Spring/Summer 2017); other writing can be found in VIDA (“Failing at Subjects”), the Recluse, La Vague, and Fence, but more often at live readings. She holds an MFA from Indiana University, and is a PhD candidate in English at CUNY Graduate Center. She has taught workshops at Poet’s House and Wendy’s Subway, as well as classes at Cooper Union, Pratt Institute, the CUNYs, Bard Microcollege Holyoke, and the New England Literature Program through the University of Michigan. From 2014-2017, she served as the Reviews Editor for the Poetry Project Newsletter.

Benjamin Krusling

Benjamin Krusling is a poet and artist. He has a chapbook, GRAPES (Projective Industries), and recent work has appeared or will in Black Warrior Review, Washington Square Review, Hyperallergic, and The New Inquiry.

Tracie Morris

Tracie Morris is writer/editor of 7 books and is a sound poet, vocalist, voice teacher and theorist. She holds an MFA in poetry from CUNY Hunter College, a PhD from NYU, and studied acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. She became an Atlantic Center for the Arts Master Artist in 2018. Ms. Morris is currently the 2018 WPR Fellow at Harvard University.

Laura Henriksen

Laura Henriksen‘s work can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, LitHub, No, Dear, and other places. She is the author of Agata (IMP, 2017) Fluid Arrangements, a collaborative chapbook with Beka Goedde, (Planthouse Gallery, 2018) and Canadian Girlfriends (THERETHEN, 2019). She works as the Director of Learning & Community Engagement at The Poetry Project.

Photo: S*an D. Henry-Smith

John Rufo

John Rufo has been a reviews editor for The Poetry Project Newsletter since 2017. Work has been published, or is forthcoming, on Poets [dot] org, Ploughshares, The Offing, The Capilano Review, Tagvverk, Entropy, The Journal Petra, NOO, and Dreginald. Links and contact at johnspringrufo.tumblr.com

Photo: Amy Touchette

Rachel Valinsky

Rachel Valinsky is a writer, researcher, and translator living in Brooklyn. Her writing has appeared in Art in America, BOMB, East of Borneo, Millennium Film Journal, C Magazine, and Art21, among others. She was a curator for the Segue Reading Series in 2015 and has presented projects at Judson Memorial Church, Lisa Cooley, Spectacle Theater, and elsewhere. Rachel is a co-founder of Wendy’s Subway, a nonprofit library and writing space in Brooklyn and a contributing editor at Éditions Lutanie, Paris. She is a doctoral student in the Department of Art History at the Graduate Center, City University of New York and currently teaches Art History at Hunter College.

Micaela Foley

Micaela Foley is an herbalist and freelance writer living in Brooklyn. She is the author of several chapbooks including Eight and Fevers tartar. Her poems have appeared in harlequin creature, MUSH/MUM, and Moonsick Magazine.

Geramee Hensley

Geramee Hensley is the Director of Social Media for Winter Tangerine & Honeysuckle Press. His work has recently been published in Rambutan Literary, The Shallow Ends, and others. The accompanying picture was taken the night of Chevy’s birthday. Please tweet him your favorite recipes and/or songs @geramee_ (seriously).

Jahan Khajavi

Jahan Khajavi (born 1986 in Fresno, California) is an Iranian-American poet who lives in Rome and hosts the weekly reading Suddenly Every Wednesday.