
Lauren Hunter

Lauren Hunter is the author of HUMAN ACHIEVEMENTS (Birds, LLC 2017) and the chapbook My Own Fires (Brothel Books 2011). Her voice can be found inside the Poetry Jukebox in New York’s East Village, on the experimental track AM Radio by Marselle, and in poems in recent issues of Jubilat and The Recluse. Lauren currently lives in her hometown of Durham, North Carolina.

Filip Marinovich

Filip Marinovich is the author of WOLFMAN LIBRARIAN, AND IF YOU DON’T GO CRAZY I’LL MEET YOU HERE TOMORROW, ZERO READERSHIP. His new book THE SUITCASE TREE is forthcoming from The Operating System. He teaches the poetry seminar QUEERING POETS BY SUN SIGN at The Page Poetry Parlor in Chelsea Manhattan.

Emily Martin

Emily Martin is a writer and a teacher from Brooklyn. Her work has been included in Prelude, Tarpaulin Sky, The Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, Datableed, among others.

Tiana Reid

Tiana Reid is a Toronto-born writer living in New York City. Her work has appeared in Bitch, Full Stop, Maisonneuve, Mask Magazine, The Toast, VICE, and The New Inquiry, where she is an editor. She is also a PhD candidate in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.

Davy Knittle

Davy Knittle is the author of the chapbooks empathy for cars / force of july (horse less press 2016) and cyclorama (the operating system 2015). His poems and reviews have appeared recently in Jacket2, Fence, Denver Quarterly and The Brooklyn Rail. He lives in Philadelphia where he curates the City Planning Poetics series at the Kelly Writers House.

Citron Kelly

Citron Kelly is the author of the chapbooks Pudding Time (DoubleCross 2015) and Dopamine Agonist Destiny Forest (forthcoming from Theme Can Print Editions). She is a founder and editor of Resolving Host, a risograph press, and she lives between Ashfield, MA and NYC.

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews is a poet, critic, essayist, and Pennsylvanian. A two-time Academy of American Poets prize winner and a Pushcart nominee, her work in various genres appears or is forthcoming in The Shallow Ends, RHINO, The Normal School, West Branch, BOMB, the Los Angeles Review of Books, ASAP/J, Textual Practice, and other venues. She currently teaches English and creative writing at Yale University.

Joshua Escobar (DJ Ashtrae)

Joshua Escobar a.k.a. DJ Ashtrae is the author of Caljforkya Voltage (No, Dear/Small Anchor Press) and XXOX FM (DoubleCross Press, 2019). Bareback Nightfall, his first full-length collection, is forthcoming in 2020 from Noemi Press and Letras Latinas. A CantoMundo fellow, he publishes Orange Mercury and lives in San Bernardino.

Rod Roland

Rod Roland is a poet and artist living in San Francisco. His books include The Playgroup (Gas Meter, 2012), Thrasher2 (Gas Meter, 2012), Best Loved (Old Gold, 2013) and Lunch Poems (2016).

Leila Ortiz

Leila Ortiz is from Brooklyn and is the author of Girl Life (Recreation League, 2016) and A Mouth is Not a Place (dancing girl press, 2017).

JD Trejo-Maya

He was born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, where he spent his childhood in the small neighboring rural pueblo of Tarimoró and wherefrom he immigrated in 1988. His inspirations include Netzahualcoyotl, Humberto Ak’abal, Ray A. Young Bear, Antonio Mendiz Bolio, and James Welch. He has been published in various literary journals in the UK, in the US, in India, in Spain and in Australia. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2015 and was awarded Tercer Premio en El Centro Canario Estudios Caribeños El Atlántico en el Certamen Internacional de Poesía en 2016. While in ceremony with Chololo medicine men in the Tule River Reservation, he dreamt the above written prophecy…

M. NourbeSe Philip

M. NourbeSe Philip is a poet, essayist, novelist, and playwright who was born in Tobago, in the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago, and now lives in Toronto. She is the author of four books of poetry, including Zong!, a novel, and three collections of essays. Wesleyan University Press brought out a new edition of She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks in 2015.