
Kit Schluter

Kit Schluter is translator of Marcel Schwob’s The Book of Monelle and The King in the Golden Mask, Jaime Saenz’s The Cold, Michel Surya’s Dead End, Amandine André’s Circle of Dogs (in collaboration with Jocelyn Spaar), and several forthcomings. His writing can be found in BOMB, Boston Review, Folder, Hyperallergic, and the chapbook Inclusivity Blueprint from Diez. Kit is currently on fellowship with the National Endowment for the Arts for further translation of Marcel Schwob, and coedits & designs for O’clock Press.

Sasha Smith

Sasha Smith is a Poetry Project 2016-2017 Emerge-Surface-Be Fellow. She is currently studying literature at NYU’s School of Professional Studies. She is a native Bronx resident and cofounder of the Bronx Blaqlist, a community arts organization. Her poetry can be found in Poet’s Country No. 1 as of January 2017. Prior to publication in NYU’s Literary Journal Dovetail, her work has been published by CUNY’s Literary and Arts Journal Thesis. She is currently working on a project about gentrification in the Bronx, and the voices of Mount Everest. She ‘blogs’ at http://stesseract.com.

Tommy “Teebs” Pico

Tommy “Teebs” Pico is a poet from the Viejas Indian reservation of the Kumeyaay nation. He authored the books IRL, Nature Poem, and Junk, & myriad keen Tweets including “Love in the time of climate change.” He is co-curator of the reading series Poets With Attitude (PWA) with Morgan Parker, and co-host of the podcast Food 4 Thot. His Myers-Briggs is IDGAF. @heyteebs

Lee Ann Brown

Lee Ann Brown is the author of five books of poetry, most recently Other Archer which was published in the “To/Jusqua” series of the University Press of Rouen and Le Havre in 2015. In 1987 she moved to New York City to work at The Poetry Project where she was the Monday Night coordinator from 1989-1991, and she has been a happy member of the community ever since. She is the founding editor of Tender Buttons Press, which is dedicated to publishing experimental women’s poetry and recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary with the publication of Tender Omnibus, co-edited with Katy Bohinc. Brown now teaches poetry at St. John’s University and likes to sing.

erica kaufman

erica kaufman is the author of POST CLASSIC (Roof Books, 2019), INSTANT CLASSIC (Roof Books, 2013) and censory impulse (Factory School, 2009). she is also the co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards (Venn Diagram, 2009), and of Adrienne Rich: Teaching at CUNY, 1968-1974 (Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, 2014). prose and critical work can be found in: The Color of Vowels: New York School Collaborations (ed. Mark Silverberg, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013), The Supposium: Thought Experiments and Poethical Play in Difficult Times (ed. Joan Retallack, Litmus Press, 2018), Approaches to Teaching the Works of Gertrude Stein (eds. L’ Esdale and D. Mix, MLA, 2018), and Reading Experimental Writing (ed. G. Colby, Edinburgh University Press). recent poems can be found in A Perfect Vacuum and P-Queue. kaufman is the Director of the Bard College Institute for Writing & Thinking and Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities.

Lindsey Boldt

Lindsey Boldt is the author of <(( ))> (2016), Titties for Lindsey (2013), and Overboard (2012). Poems, essays, and other writings can be found at Art Practical, The Drunken Boat, and in the forthcoming ON Contemporary Poetics: New Narrative Feature. She also writes and performs plays, songs and other outbursts, including audio commentary for the 1993 movie “The Pelican Brief” (forthcoming from Troll Thread). She has been an editor for The Post-Apollo Press, the chapbook series, Summer BF Press, and is currently Managing Editor of Nightboat Books. She lives in Oakland.

Francesca DeMusz

Francesca DeMusz is a working artist who has recently relocated from New York City to Portland, Oregon. Her work can be found in All Stars, on the Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog, Lit Hub, The Poetry Project Newsletter and in various chapbooks and zines.

Julian Talamantez Brolaski

Julian Talamantez Brolaski is the author of Of Mongrelitude (forthcoming, Wave Books April 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012), gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011), and co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press / Belladonna Books 2009). Julian is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the country band The Western Skyline (www.thewesternskyline.org). Currently in Queens, NY, Julian also sometimes lives in California.

Photo: Danny Sadiel Peña

S*an D. Henry-Smith

S*an D. Henry-Smith is an artist and writer, primarily working with poetry and photography. They received their BA in Studio Art from Hamilton College, and have been awarded fellowships and grants from Triple Canopy, Lotos Foundation, and Antenna. Their words and images have appeared in Apogee JournalFACTThe FeltThe New York Times, and elsewhere. S*an cooks and writes collaboratively with Imani Elizabeth Jackson on MouthFeel; their poetry-cookbook Consider the Tongue is forthcoming this fall.

Jacqueline Waters

Jacqueline Waters is the author of Commodore and One Sleeps the Other Doesn’t, both from Ugly Duckling Presse. Her work has appeared recently in Chicago Review, Dreamboat, Fanzine, Harper’s, Little Star and The American Reader.

Lyn Hejinian

Lyn Hejinian is a poet, essayist, teacher, and translator. Her most recent book is The Unfollowing (Omnidawn Books, 2016). Belladonna will bring out her prose work, Positions of the Sun, in 2017. Other volumes include The Book of a Thousand Eyes (Omnidawn Books, 2012) and The Wide Road, written in collaboration with Carla Harryman (Belladonna, 2010). In fall 2013 Wesleyan republished her best-known book, My Life, in an edition that includes her related work, My Life in the Nineties. Wesleyan is also the publisher of A Guide to Poetics Journal: Writing in the Expanded Field 1982-1998, and the related Poetics Journal Digital Archive, both co-edited by Hejinian and Barrett Watten. She is currently the co-director (with Travis Ortiz) of Atelos, a literary project commissioning and publishing cross-genre work by poets, and the co-editor (with Jane Gregory and Claire Marie Stancek) of Nion Editions, a chapbook press. She teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, and is part of the UC Berkeley Humanities Activism coalition, formed immediately after November 8, 2016.

Saretta Morgan

Saretta Morgan is a Brooklyn-based reader / letter writer / animal keeper / veteran / plant waterer & water color enthusiast interested in [pleasure filled / queer / adverse / state] intimacies, shame and being Black. She is a graduate of the Pratt MFA in writing and has received support from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, the Leslie Scalapino Foundation, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Tamaas and others.