
Sarah Anne Wallen

Sarah Anne Wallen is a poet/bookmaker/visual artist living in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Her first full length collection of poetry DON’T DRINK POISON (United Artists) was published last June.

Emily Brandt

Emily Brandt is the author of three chapbooks, most recently Sleeptalk or Not At All from Horse Less Press. Emily is a co-founding editor of No, Dear and Web Acquisitions Editor for VIDA. She lives and teaches in Brooklyn.

Photo: John Sarsgard

John Godfrey

John Godfrey goes back a ways. He led workshops at the Poetry Project in ’76, ’82-’83 and ’13. He was a mentor ’16-’17. His last collection is The City Keeps: New and Selected Poems 1966-2014 (Wave Books, 20016).

Geoffrey G. O’Brien

Geoffrey G. O’Brien’s 5th book, Experience in Groups, will be out from Wave Books in April 2018. He is the author most recently of People on Sunday (Wave, 2013) and the coauthor (with John Ashbery and Timothy Donnelly) of Three Poets (Minus A Press, 2012). O’Brien is an Associate Professor in the English Department at UC Berkeley and also teaches for the Prison University Project at San Quentin State Prison.


Carol Mirakove

Carol Mirakove is the author of two books of poems, Mediated (Factory School) and Occupied (Kelsey St. Press), as well as the chapbooks Muriel’s House (Least Weasel), temporary tattoos (BabySelf Press), WALL (ixnay), and, with Jen Benka, 1,138 (Belladonna). She appears on the album Women in the Avant Garde and with Dutch musician bates45 she released the electro-house track “temporary tattoos.” Carol’s poetry and recordings are catalogued at the electronic poetry collection Archive of the Now and at PennSound. She is a former workshop leader at The Poetry Project where she has been a lifelong member.

Sophia Dahlin

Sophia Dahlin is a poet who lives in Philadelphia now. Her poetry has appeared in BOMB, The Awl, Poor Claudia, and other journals. Her collaborations with Davy Knittle are forthcoming in HOLD: a Journal.

Photo: Rijard Bergeron

Ru (Nina) Puro

Ru (Nina) Puro‘s collection, Each Tree Could Hold A Noose Or A House, winner of the New Issues Poetry Prize, was recently released. They are a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative, social worker, and recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, Deming Fund, & others.

Sophie Seita

Sophie Seita‘s published works include MEAT (Little Red Leaves, 2015), FANTASIAS IN COUNTING (BlazeVOX, 2014), 12 STEPS (Wide Range, 2012), and I MEAN I DISLIKE THAT FATE THAT I WAS MADE TO WHERE, a translation of the German poet Uljana Wolf (Wonder, 2015). She has received fellowships and awards from Yale, Princeton, Buffalo, Cambridge, Columbia, QMUL, DAAD, and Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, among others, for her academic work, and is the recipient of the second Wonder Book Prize (2014, with Uljana Wolf), and a PEN/Heim award (2015) for her forthcoming full-length translation of SUBSISTERS: SELECTED POEMS by Uljana Wolf (Belladonna, 2017). She’s currently editing a centenary reprint of the little magazine THE BLIND MAN for Ugly Duckling Presse (2017). From October 2016, she will be a Junior Research Fellow in English Literature at Queens’ College, Cambridge.

Peter Valente

Peter Valente is the author of A Boy Asleep Under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna (Punctum Books, 2014), which was nominated for a Lambda award, The Artaud Variations (Spuyten Duyvil, 2014), Let the Games Begin: Five Roman Writers (Talisman House, 2015), The Catullus Versions (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), two books of photography, Blue (Spuyten Duyvil) and Street Level (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016), two translations from the Italian, Blackout by Nanni Balestrini (Commune Editions, 2017) and Whatever the Name by Pierre Lepori (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), Two Novellas: Parthenogenesis & Plague in the Imperial City (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), a collaboration with Kevin Killian, Ekstasis (blazeVOX, 2017) and the chapbook, Forge of Words a Forest (Jensen Daniels, 1998). He is the co-translator of the chapbook, Selected Late Letter s of Antonin Artaud, 1945-1947 (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, 2014), and has translated the work of Gérard de Nerval and Pier Paolo Pasolini, as well as numerous Ancient Greek and Latin authors. His poems, essays, and photographs have appeared or are forthcoming in journals such as Mirage #4/Periodical, First Intensity, Aufgabe, Talisman, Oyster Boy Review, spoKe, and Animal Shelter. His work has also been published online in Talisman, The Poems and Poetics Blog, Oyster Boy Review, Jacket2, Sibilia, The Recluse, Dispatches From the Poetry Wars, and the Verso Books blog. Forthcoming is his translation of Nicolas Pages by Guillaume Dustan (Semiotext(e), 2019), and a collection of essays, Essays on the Peripheries (Punctum, 2019). In 2010, he turned to filmmaking and has completed sixty shorts to date, twenty-four of which were screened at Anthology Film Archives in NYC.

Dustin Williamson

Dustin Williamson is a poet and the publisher of Rust Buckle Books. He is the author of a number of chapbooks, including Obstructed View (Salacious Banter) and Cab Ass’n (Lame House).

Joan Retallack

Joan Retallack is author of The Poethical Wager and Procedural Elegies / Western Civ Cont’d / – an Artforum Best Book of 2010. Other poetry includes Memnoir, Mongrelisme, How To Do Things With Words, Errata 5uite, and Afterrimages. She collaborated with John Cage on MUSICAGE – a volume of their conversations published by Wesleyan University Press – and has written extensively, pleasurably on Gertrude Stein.

Nathaniel Mackey

Nathaniel Mackey is the author of eight chapbooks of poetry, Four for Trane (Golemics, 1978), Septet for the End of Time (Boneset, 1983), Outlantish (Chax Press, 1992), Song of the Andoumboulou: 18-20 (Moving Parts Press, 1994), Four for Glenn (Chax Press, 2002), Anuncio’s Last Love Song (Three Count Pour, 2013), Outer Pradesh (Anomalous Press, 2014), and Moment’s Omen (Selva Oscura, 2015); six books of poetry, Eroding Witness (University of Illinois Press, 1985), School of Udhra (City Lights Books, 1993), Whatsaid Serif (City Lights Books, 1998), Splay Anthem (New Directions, 2006), Nod House (New Directions, 2011), and Blue Fasa (New Directions, 2015); and an ongoing prose work, From a Broken Bottle Traces of Perfume Still Emanate, of which four volumes have been published: Bedouin Hornbook (Callaloo Fiction Series, 1986; second edition: Sun & Moon Press, 1997), Djbot Baghostus’s Run (Sun & Moon Press, 1993), Atet A.D. (City Lights Books, 2001), and Bass Cathedral (New Directions, 2008); the first three of these have been published together as From a Broken Bottle Traces of Perfume Still Emanate: Volumes 1-3 (New Directions, 2010); the fifth, Late Arcade, is forthcoming from New Directions in 2017. He is also the author of two books of criticism, Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing (Cambridge University Press, 1993; paper edition: University of Alabama Press, 2000) and Paracritical Hinge: Essays, Talks, Notes, Interviews (University of Wisconsin Press, 2005). He is editor of the literary magazine Hambone, whose twenty-first issue appeared in 2015, and coeditor, with Art Lange, of the anthology Moment’s Notice: Jazz in Poetry and Prose (Coffee House Press, 1993). His honors include election to the Board of Chancellors of the Academy of American Poets in 2001, the National Book Award in poetry for Splay Anthem in 2006, the Stephen Henderson Award from the African American Literature and Culture Society in 2008, a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2010, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize from the Poetry Foundation in 2014, and Yale’s Bollingen Prize for American Poetry in 2015. He lives in Durham, North Carolina, and teaches at Duke University, where he is the Reynolds Price Professor of English.