
Niina Pollari

Niina Pollari‘s first book, Dead Horse, was published by Birds LLC in 2015. She is also the author of two chapbooks and the translator of Tytti Heikkinen’s The Warmth of the Taxidermied Animal (Action Books, 2013).

Eric Amling

Eric Amling lives and works in New York City. His debut book From the Author’s Private Collection (Birds, LLC) was released in the summer of 2015.

Gina Myers

Gina Myers is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, A Model Year (Coconut Books, 2009) and Hold It Down (Coconut Books, 2013), as well as several chapbooks. She lives in Philadelphia where she works in higher ed communications.

Elaine Equi

Elaine Equi’s books include Ripple Effect: New & Selected PoemsClick and Clone, and most recently, Sentences and Rain, all from Coffee House Press. She teaches at New York University and in the MFA Program at The New School.

Anne Tardos

Anne Tardos’s poetry is renowned for its fluid use of multiple languages and its innovative forms. Among her recent books are The Camel’s Pedestal, I Am You, NINE, Both Poems, and The Dik-dik’s Solitude. She is the editor of three posthumous books of poetry by Jackson Mac Low: Thing of Beauty, 154 Forties, and The Complete Light Poems [with Michael O’Driscoll]. A Fellow in Poetry from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Tardos lives in New York.

Dot Devota

The Division of Labor (Rescue Press), And The Girls Worried Terribly (Noemi Press), The Eternal Wall (Bookthug), MW: A Midwest Field Guide (Editions19\). The poet Dot Devota was born in St. Louis and travels full time with her partner Brandon Shimoda. Her latest work is a dated book about a woman trapped in a woman’s body who finds the love of her life and watches a lot of news about war.

Kristen Gallagher

Kristen Gallagher‘s most recent poetry collection is We Are Here (2011). Since then: “Florida,” a chapbook from Well Greased Press; “Dossier on the Site of a Shooting,” a multi-platform digital work on GaussPDF, reviewed by Paul Soulellis in Rhizome; “Untitled (Rosewood Trip),” text w screenshots, in Printed Web 3. Her essay “Cooking A Book with Low Level Durational Energy; or, How to Read Tan Lin’s Seven Controlled Vocabularies” was published in a collection Reading the Difficulties from University of Alabama Press, and her essay “Teaching Freire and CUNY Open Admissions” was recently anthologized in Class and the College Classroom: Essays on Teaching. She is Professor of English at City University of New York–LaGuardia Community College in Queens, New York.

Dorothea Lasky

Dorothea Lasky is the author of four books of poetry, most recently ROME. She teaches at Columbia University’s School of the Arts and lives in New York City.

Jericho Brown

Jericho Brown is the recipient of a Whiting Writers Award and fellowships from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and the National Endowment for the Arts. His poems have appeared in The New Republic, The New Yorker, and The Best American Poetry. His first book, Please (New Issues 2008), won the American Book Award, and his second book, The New Testament (Copper Canyon 2014), won the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award and was named one of the best books of the year by Library Journal, Coldfront, and the Academy of American Poets. He is an associate professor in English and creative writing at Emory University in Atlanta.

Aldrin Valdez

Aldrin Valdez is a Pinoy writer and visual artist. They are the author of ESL or You Weren’t Here (Nightboat Books, 2018). Aldrin has been awarded fellowships from Queer/Art/Mentorship & Poets House. They currently curate the 2018/2019 winter season of the Segue Reading Series with fellow poet Joël Díaz.

Lara Durback

Lara Durback is a poet who has been living in Oakland for 10 years. She has published books collectively under NoNo Press and Mess Editions. You can see her printed and/or written work in Drift Magazine, Mrs. Maybe, Bombay Gin, the UK journal Hi Zero, and Tripwire. Her archiving work is online at deepoakland.org. In 2013, with designer Andrew Kenower, she produced the letterpress publication Field Work: Poems on the Occasion of Mark diSuvero at Crissy Field for SFMOMA. She has taught a letterpress printing course at Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program. Lara is a founding member of the new press collective Material Print Machine at the Omni Commons in Oakland, https://omnicommons.org. Her book is forthcoming from Publication Studio Oakland: psoakland.com.

Susie Timmons

Susie Timmons was born in 1955. Poetry is her game. She prefers to maintain a low profile, and regards prose as the ultimate form of procrastination. A collection of earlier books entitled Superior Packets has recently been published by Wave Books. Stacy is her only friend.