
Patricia Spears Jones

Patricia Spears Jones is an African American poet, editor, activist, literary curator and playwright. She is the winner of the 2017 Jackson Poetry Prize from Poets and Writers and author of A Lucent Fire: New and Selected Poems (White Pine Press, 2015) which was finalist for both the PSA’s William Carlos Williams Prize and the Patterson Poetry Prize and featured a Pushcart Prize winning poem. She also has 10 additional publications: poetry books, chapbooks and anthologies. S She is co-editor of the groundbreaking anthology Ordinary Women: An Anthology of Poetry by New York City Women (1978) and editor of Think: Poems for Aretha Franklin’s Inauguration Hat (2009). In 2015, she edited The Future Differently Imagined, an issue of About Place Journal, an online literary publication of Black Earth Institute, where she is a Senior Fellow Emeritus. Mabou Mines commissioned and produced ‘Mother’ and Song for New York: What Women Do When Men Sit Knitting which premiered in New York City in collaboration with composers respectively, Carter Burwell and Lisa Gutkin. She has had residencies at Yaddo, Virginia Center for Creative Arts, the Millay Colony and most recently a Rauschenberg Residency in Captiva. She served as Program Coordinator at The Poetry Project in the 1980s. She has taught at the Poetry Project, Poets House, the Fine Arts Work Center, CUNY campuses and Adelphi University. She is the organizer for American Poets Congress.

Orlando White

Orlando White is the author of two books of poetry: Bone Light (Red Hen Press, 2009) and LETTERRS (Nightboat Books, 2015). He holds a BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts and an MFA from Brown University. His poems have appeared in The Kenyon Review, Omnidawn Poetry Feature Blog, Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, American Indian Culture And Research Journal, Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics, and elsewhere. He is the recipient of a Lannan Foundation Residency and a Bread Loaf John Ciardi Fellowship. He teaches at Diné College and in the low-residency MFA program at the Institute of American Indian Arts.

Magdalena Zurawski

Magdalena Zurawski is the author of Companion Animal (Litmus, 2015) and The Bruise (FC2 2008). Her commentary on aesthetics in the age of Ferguson, FEEL BEAUTY SUPPLY, can be found online at Jacket2.org. She teaches literature and creative writing at the University of Georgia and lives in Athens (Georgia).

Rodrigo Toscano

Rodrigo Toscano’s newest book of poetry, Explosion Rocks Springfield, is due out from Fence Books in the spring. His previous books include Deck of Deeds, Collapsible Poetics Theater, To Leveling Swerve, Platform, Partisans, and The Disparities. His poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies, including Voices Without Borders, Diasporic Avant Gardes, Imagined Theatres, In the Criminal’s Cabinet, Earth Bound, and Best American Poetry. Toscano has received a New York State Fellowship in Poetry, and was a National Poetry Series selection. He works for the Labor Institute in conjunction with the United Steelworkers and the National Institute for Environmental Health Science. While in the Greenpoint township of Brooklyn, Toscano ran and wrote articles and interviews for the North Brooklyn Runners. He now lives in the Faubourg Marigny (seventh ward) of New Orleans.

Chialun Chang

Chialun Chang was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. She is a poet, translator, visual artist and an events coordinator at Belladonna* Collaborative. A recipient of two teaching fellowships, She has taught Chinese in Vietnam and Mississippi, and is a recipient of 2015 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program from NYFA. Her most recent work has appeared or forthcoming in The Home School, The Brooklyn Rail, Bone Bouquet, iO poetry and Boog City. Two of her translation chapbooks, written by Zhang Er and Yu Wang have published by Belladonna*

Eileen Myles

Eileen Myles came to New York from Boston in 1974 to be a poet, subsequently a novelist, public talker, and art journalist. A Sagittarius, their twenty books include evolution (poems), Afterglow (a dog memoir), a 2017 re-issue of Cool for You, I Must Be Living Twice/new and selected poems, and Chelsea Girls. Eileen is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Andy Warhol/Creative Capital Arts Writers grant, four Lambda Book Awards, the Shelley Prize from the PSA, and a poetry award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts. In 2016, Myles received a Creative Capital grant and the Clark Prize for excellence in art writing. In 2019 they’ll be teaching at NYU and Naropa University and they live in New York and Marfa, TX.

Sade Murphy

Sade Murphy was born and raised in Houston, TX. She doesn’t have an accent. She attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Studio Art. Her studio practice is focused in book arts, printmaking, silk painting and installation art. In 2011 she received a fellowship from the Pavlis Foundation to complete a month long residency at the Vermont Studio Center. She has published one chapbook of poetry, Abandon Childhood, which most likely cannot be found anywhere. Her poetry has been published in Action Yes, joINT, Revolver, and LIT. She has recently completed her first full length manuscript of poetry, Dream Machine, and plans to apply to MFA programs this fall. She currently lives and works in South Bend, IN as an artist and serves as the Artist in Residence at Dismas House, a community focused on the re-entry of the formerly incarcerated.

Ricardo Alberto Maldonado

Ricardo Alberto Maldonado was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He is the translator of Dinapiera Di Donato’s Colaterales (Akashic Books/The National Poetry Series). His work has appeared in Boston Review, Denver Quarterly, Sidebrow andGuernica and elsewhere. A poetry fellow from the New York Foundation for the Arts and Queer Arts Mentorship, he is managing director at the 92Y Unterberg Poetry Center.

Claire Wilcox

Claire Wilcox is a writer based in New York City. Recent works of poetry and criticism have appeared in/on BOMBlog, 98edition’s Makhzin, and No Dear. She is a recent graduate of the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts. Her first chapbook Change, Changes & .01 and Change is available from Sus Press in Australia and the US.

Claire Becker

Claire Becker lives in Oakland and teaches in the high school mainstream program at the California School for the Blind. She co-edits the email/web journal RealPoetik with Lily Brown. Her e-chap Get You is available through Duration Press, and her first book, Where We Think It Should Go, is forthcoming from Octopus Books.