Porsha Olayiwola is the 2014 Individual World Poetry Slam Champion and 2015 National Poetry Slam Champion. In 2018, Porsha was named by GK100 as one of Boston’s Most Influential People of Color. She is the Artistic Director at MassLEAP, a literary non-profit organization in Massachusetts serving youth artists. She is an MFA Candidate at Emerson College and has a full length collection of poetry forthcoming in 2019 with Button Poetry. As an educator and organizer Porsha seeks to cultivate spaces for emerging artists that allow them to deepen their understanding of craft and community. She has served youth artists in the city of Boston for the last six years and continues to grow spaces for artists and audience of the art. Porsha Olayiwola is the current Poet Laureate for the city of Boston.
Porsha Olayiwola