- Readings
- Announcements
- Letter From the Editor: “Around the Edges”
- Books and Magazines Received
- Poems: “On the Arm of a Dumb Marine” by Steven Hall; “Daydream Suggested by a Professor’s Remark” by Catherine Murray; “I rest with the dogs across the feathers of birds departed for Winter” by Jim Carroll; “Break Glass” by Ted Greenwald
- Reviews: “Strange Indeed” a review of Michael Brownstein’s Strange Days Ahead (Calais, Vermont: Z Press, 1975) by Ron Padgett; “Abstraction and Elizabeth Bishop” a review of Elizabeth Bishop’s Geography III (NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977) by Charles North
- The Naropa (Boulder) Report by Butch Cassidy
- Essays: “Ginsberg on Lowell” by Allen Ginsberg
- Editor: Frances Lefevre