- Readings
- Letter from the Editor: “Around The Edges”
- Announcements
- Books and Magazines Received
- Poems: “Memory” Jonathan Cott; “For Gertrude Stein” by Alexandra Anderson; “Poem To A Bass Player” by Lisa Nunez; “Dear Mozart” by unknown author
- Reviews: “Washington Square as Opera” a review by Gerrit Henry of David Aldens direction of Washington Square; “In The Kingdom of Heaven” a review of John Ashbery’s Houseboat Days (New York: Viking Press, 1997 and Penguin Books) by Simon Schuchat; “Why Do We Bother Being Good Looking” a review of Gerard Malanga’s Ten Years After: The Selected Vendetta Poems (Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1997) by Jeff Goldberg
- Editor: Frances Lefevre