- Events: Poetry Project Reading series calendar; Readings elsewhere listings
- Letter from the Editor: “Around the Edges”
- Announcements: Poets & Writers revises application requirements; Duncan McNaughton correction; Neil Hackman teaches yoga for writers; Bruce Andrews & Charles Bernstein announce the newsletter L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E; Reminder about newsletter funding; Books Received & Magazines Received
- Poems: “Big Shot” by Cindy Shelton; “Poem” by Bill Corbet; “Ed Sanders” by Bill Kushner; “Wires” by Dick Gallup
- Reviews: “Greenwaldia” a review of Ted Greenwald’s Native Land (Washington DC: Titanic Books) by Eileen Myles; “Somehow Special” a review of On Bread & Poetry/A Panel Discussion with Gary Snyder, Lew Welch & Phillip Whalen edited by Donald Allen (Bolinas, CA: Grey Fox Press, 1977) by Keith Abbott; “Back and Forth From Hell” a review of Celia Gilbert’s Queen of Darkness (New York: Viking Press, 1977) by Mary Selby Ferrari
- Editor: Frances LeFevre