- Readings
- Announcements
- Poems: Sleep Gummed Eyes by James Schuyler; High Plains Drifting, Tend, Paranthesis and On The Phone by Anselm Hollo; Small Confession by William Corbett; “Ukranian” Joke by Reed Bye; On A Stream by Michael Brownstein; Why I Can’t Come To Your Poetry Reading by Jana Harris; A b u n d a n c e by Paul Violi; Summer Vacation by Bernadette Mayer; Confession by Kenneth King; In The Night by Bob Holman and Elizabeth Murray; The Death of Bop by Tom Clark; Mixed Gift by Shelley Kraut and Rudy Burckhardt; Untitled and City Seasons by Edwin Denby; Untitled by Michael Scholnick; Life on the Bun by Greg Masters; Commentary by Bob Rosenthal; Port of Authority by Charles and Paula North; No Way by Robert Creeley.
- Books and Magazines Received
- Reviews: The Postmoderns: The New American Poetry Revised by Gary Lenhart; The Women Poets of China by Bernadette Mayer; Last Nights of Paris by Carl Solomon; Plutonian Ode and Other Poems 1977-1980 by Tom Weigel; The Morning of the Poem by Geoffrey Young; Waltzing Matilda by Norman Fischer; Dabble by Jim Brodey; Exhibitions of Paintings by Milton Resnick by Louise Hamlin.
- Essays: Philip Guston: “1980/The Last Works” by Michael Scholnick.
- Recommendations: Michael Lally; Bob Rosenthal; Jeff Wright; Helena Hughes; Lewis Warsh; Ted Berrigan; Tim Dlugos; Eileen Myles; Paul Violi; Alice Notley; Anselm Hollo; Gary Lenhart; Kenneth King; James Schulyer; Dennis Cooper; Steve Levine; Peggy DeCoursey; Bernadette Mayer; Greg Masters; Robert Creeley; Charles Bernstein; Michael Scholnick.
- Editor: Greg Masters