- Readings
- Announcements
- Poems: Untitled by Alice Notley; False Light by Michael Sean Lazarchuk; Living Ghosts by Michael Brownstein; The Retirement of Superman by Tom Clark; Wonderful Perfume by Ted Greenwald; Head Over Heels by Amy Gerstler.
- Books and Magazines Received
- Reviews: Roof Slates and Other Poems of Pierre Reverdy by Ron Padgett; Historical Document by Allen Ginsberg; Diapers on the Snow by Pat Nolan; Fade to Prompt by Steve Benson; Birth of a Poet by Carl Solomon.
- Recommendations: 10 Books Are Sustaining by Anne Waldman; Jade Chips of the Poets by Simon Schuchat.
- Visuals: Cover Art by George Schneeman.
- Editor: Greg Masters