- Readings
- Announcements
- Poems: The Interior of My Nursery School Lunchbox and Taboo by Reed Bye; Grindstone Blues by Ken Mikolowski; Joe Ceravolo by Jim Brodey; Ill Soul by Art Lange; The Outline of Birthday by Barbara Barg; Poem For Trevor Winkfield by Charles North; Late Afternoon by Pat Nolan; Dreamed Fragment by Steve Levine; It’s A Wonderful Life by Paul Violi.
- Books and Magazines Received
- Reviews: The Secret of the Waterfall by Lenny Goldstein; Millenium Dust by Lewis Warsh; One at a Time by Ted Greenwald; The Invention of Solitude by William Corbett; Attitudes: Uncollected Poems of the Seventies by Simon Schuchat; Second Seasons by Tom Weigel; Cometh With Clouds (Memory: Allen Ginsburg) by Carl Solomon; H.D.: The Life and Work of an American Poet by Ed Smith; Girlie Pictures by Barbara A. Holland; Parallells – Presented by Danspace by Patricia Jones.
- Visuals: Inner Art by Michelle Spark.
- Editor: Greg Masters